Buy with us

We like to deal personally with you from the start, from pre-visit chats, arranging initial and follow-up viewings, through formal offer to final closing at the Notary and the lovely ‘chiavi in mano’ moment. We also advise and assist with restoration, management and letting. We look forward to meeting you...

Ann-Marie Doyle, Owner and Managing Director

Ann-Marie Doyle
Owner and Managing Director

Pietro Rusconi, Director of Sales

Pietro Rusconi
Director of Sales

Patrizia Bozza, Administrator

Patrizia Bozza

Chiara Bordin, Art Spaces Advisory

Chiara Bordin
Art Spaces Advisory

Avvocato Piero Reis, Specialist in Commercial and Property Law

Avvocato Piero Reis
Specialist in Commercial and Property Law

Alessandro Danesin, Dottore Commercialista - Specialist in Company and Personal Tax

Alessandro Danesin
Dottore Commercialista - Specialist in Company and Personal Tax

Buying property in Italy is more straightforward than you might think...

We will be pleased to connect you to the following recommended essential professionals who have represented many of our buyers:

  • English speaking lawyer
  • Italian bank manager
  • Commercialista for tax purposes
  • Notary Public (the buyer chooses the notary in Italy)
  • Architects, surveyor, builders
  • Concierge Services and Rental Management

Read in more detail about the process of buying a property in Venice...
